Karen Free, is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Certified Medical Hypnotherapist as well as a Certified Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner. Additionally, she has been developing, practicing and teaching the components of Dynamic Meditation for over two decades. Karen is a professional public speaker, teacher and mind/body healing facilitator and is known for her caring, compassionate work with her private clients and for her passion about passing her knowledge and skills along to others through her very popular workshops.
Karen earned a BA in Communications, holds three separate Certifications in hypnosis, is Certified as in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). Additionally, Karen is certified to interpret and administer the Meyer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Additionally, for over 20 years Karen has been a professional speaker, specializing in the area of Child Advocacy as well as Communications, Jungian Personality Type Theory and NLP. In this capacity, Karen has spoken to hundreds of thousands of high school seniors in the Houston metropolitan area giving presentations to empower them to create career and other life choices that are consistent with their values and personality strengths. She’s also developed, delivered and taught Teacher In-Service Training workshops in communications, NLP and is certified to administer the MBTI and also developed and presented MBTI workshops for students.
Karen has also created her own Jungian Personality Profiles that include advanced education and career lists consistent with all 16 personality types.
Karen received her training in hypnosis at the Hypnotherapy Academy of America (HAA) where she earned a certification in Clinical Hypnotherapy, an advanced certification in Clinical Medical Hypnotherapy and an advanced certification in Regression Therapy.
NOTE: The protocols taught at the HAA are the same protocols being used in studies now being conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Three recent graduates of the HAA’s Clinical Medical Hypnosis program have been hired at three different Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals in New York, and Mr. Tim Simmerman, HAA’s Director and developer of the Academy’s protocols has been asked to help contribute to defining the requirements of this newly created Medical Hypnotherapist staff position at the VA. To date, the VA has never before employed Hypnotherapists, showing once again how far hypnosis has moved into mainstream clinical practices.
Karen also has an extensive background in metaphysical studies and practices that includes the practice and teaching of NLP, Qigong, energy medicine and hypnosis.
Click here for more information about Karen’s and her services and workshops and program options, or to schedule a session.